Friday, February 20, 2009

I Thought of You...


Today at last the sun shone through

The storm clouds of the night

It warmed and dried the rain-soaked ground

And filled our world with light

Which made me think of you

The clock ticked on and morning passed

The kids at school and play

With cheery smiles and twinkling eyes

Begged me to sit and stay

Which made me think of you

At noon, by loving, gentle hands

A sumptuous feast prepared

Fulfilled the hunger deep within

And fun and friendship shared

Which made me think of you

A quiet read upon my bed

I dozed off while I sat

And dreamed a dream that startled me

But pleasantly at that

Which made me think of you

All afternoon we tried and tried

To get to where we may

Have what we thought was what we’d want

Instead God had His way

Which made me think of you

And now it’s evening once again

And tiredly I lie

The moonlight flickers on my cheek

A butterfly floats by

Which makes me think of you


Phil said...

I love this song.....makes me feel warm inside when you sing it.

Gabriela said...
