Monday, December 28, 2009

A Christmas Wish

December 25, 2009

If I could only have one wish
For this merry Christmas night
I couldn't pick a single one
That alone would justify

I'd wish for peace to come to all
And pain to melt away
But I'd also wish for love and truth
On this Christmas day

I'd wish for lively fun and joy
Ten thousand bells to ring
I'd wish for laughter to be heard
And the herald angels sing

But I'd also wish for quieter times
To reflect upon this day
For time to think on why we're here
For men to learn to pray

I'd wish that all could find the hope
That trusting in Him brings
Instead of worry, hate and fear
Instead of trusting things

And I'd wish that those we love could know
How much it means to me
To be together on this day
To be a family

And in a few more years to come
I'd wish that we could smile
When thinking back upon this day
And linger there awhile

If I could only have one wish
For this merry Christmas night
I couldn't pick a single one
That alone would justify...

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Phil said...

Very nice wrote it yes?

Gabriela said...

Yes, I wrote it on Christmas day. It's a little messy, but I was trying post it on the right day, so I kinda rushed through it.